Lent 2021

There will be an Ash Wednesday Service at 10am on 17th Februray 2021. During Lent we will be holding a regular Holy Communion Service on Wednesday mornings at 10am in addition to the 10am Sunday Holy Communion Service.

This years Lent theme is.

Based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2021, Living His Story by Hannah Steele, published by SPCK. From Ash Wednesday (17 February) to Easter Sunday (4 April), the campaign is based on daily reflection, including a short passage from the Bible, a brief exploration of the reading, and a prayer.

Here is how you can join in.

The daily reflections are available through the booklet available to buy from Church House Publishing.. A few copies are available in church, it would help if you can make a donation towards their cost.

A free downloadable PDF guide for groups wishing to study the weekly themes from Living His Story together, produced by SPCK, you can download it here.

A free download PDF for families wishing to engage in the daily activities is available to download here. These activities also appear in the iOS and Android app.

Candlemas, Sunday 31st January 2021

There will be a Candlemas/Holy Communion service on Sunday 31st January 2021 at 10am at St Cuthberts Ormesby. We welcome The Venerable Dr Amanda Bloor, Archdeacon of Cleveland, to celebrate communion with us at the 10am Holy Communion service. Usual social distancing and mask wearing requirement throughout the pandemic.

Christmas Services 2020

Due to coronavirus restrictions our services will be different this year. There will be a Midnight Mass Service on the 24th December at 11:30pm but it will have to be ticketed as we must maintain physical distancing in church. Tickets will be available from Sunday 13th December. If you do not normally attend a Sunday Service the church is open between 11:00am and 12:00noon on Sundays and 10:00am and 11:00am on Wednesday mornings, or see a Church Warden for tickets. Note that everyone needs to sign in for test and trace and wear a mask in church unless exempted.

There will be a Communion Service on Christmas day at 10:00am as well as on Sunday 27th December at 10:00am

Because we cannot have our annual Carol Services this year we are going to hold a Covid-19 secure Open Church – Journey to Bethlehem – event for families this year. You are invited to an interactive ‘tour’ of the church, ‘travel with the wise men’ as the Christmas story is told at several activity stations around the church.

Come and see Mary and Joseph on their way from Nazareth to Bethlehem and meet some of the people travelling on the same route.A ‘goody’ bag containing various craft resources for use during and after the event is provided as part of the ‘tour’.

These will take place on

  • Sunday 20th December from 1:00pm to 3:30pm
  • Tuesday 22nd December from 10:00am to 12:00noon
  • Thursday 24th December from 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Virtual Dementia Friendly Carol Service 2020

Due to coronavirus restrictions this year’s Dementia Friendly Carol Service will be a virtual event. It will take place at 3pm on Sunday 13th December in St Mary’s Cathedral, Coulby Newham.

You can watch the service online via the Diocesan Youtube channel. This event is designed for those living with dementia and their carers. We hope you can enjoy this virtual service as much as you normally do the physical event.

Prayer for the Nation

During lockdown 2 the Church of England is asking Christians to pray daily for a specific area of national concern. A bell will ring each evening at 6pm, join us in a collective moment of prayer.

Prayer for Week 4 (30 November to 06 December)

Loving God,
your Son Jesus Christ came that we might have life and have it abundantly;
pour out your blessing upon our nation;
where there is illness,
bring your healing touch;
where there is fear,
strengthen us with the knowledge of your presence;
where there is uncertainty,
build us up in faith;
where there is dishonesty,
lead us into truth;
where there is discord,
may we know the harmony of your love;
this we ask in Jesus’ name.


We know that we are in the faithful hands of the risen Christ who knows our weaknesses, tiredness and struggles and whose steadfast love endures forever.

Prayer resources, including the daily prayer, can be found here. There will be daily prayer videos on Thy Kingdom Come YouTube channel.

November Bulletins

During the second national lockdown when the church is closed for services and only open for private prayer we will be providing weekly bulletins as we did during the firsst lockdown period.

Sunday November 29th, Advent Sunday (PDF)

Sunday November 22nd, Sunday Next before Advent, Christ the King (PDF)

Sunday November 15th, 2nd Sunday before Advent (PDF)

Sunday November 8th, 3rd Sunday before Advent, Remembrance Sunday (PDF)

The previous bulletins can be found here.

Services in November 2020

As we continue to celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday mornings at 10am we will be welcoming two guest celebrants during November.

On the 1st of November (All Saints), Bishop Paul Ferguson

There will also be a special service on 1st November at 3pm to mark The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day).

There is a book at the back of church where you may write names of people you wish to commemorate so their names can be read out during the service. If you know anyone who cannot attend church due to coronavirus restrictions who might like a name added to the list please contact Revd Janet Caldwell.

Remembrance Sunday, 8th November 2020.

In this very strange year, due to Covid-19 restrictions on numbers and social distancing in the church yard there will be no ceremony at the War Memorial this year. The Remembrance Service will take place in church with our normal Sunday congregation and invited guests only. We are very sorry that we cannot make it more widely open to the public this year. Hopefully next year we can have a more normal Remembrance Sunday.

On the 29th November (Advent Sunday), The Revd Dr Amanda Bloor, Archdeacon of Cleveland

Enthronement of the 98th Archbishop of York

The Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell will be enthroned as the 98th Archbishop of York at a service of Evensong at 4.00pm on Sunday 18 October at York Minster.

It will take place on the Feast Day of St Luke, Apostle and Evangelist.

Much of the service will be sung by the adult singers of the Minster Choir and there will be readings, music and prayers. Elements of the service will be based on previous historic enthronements and Archbishop Stephen will take his oath on the York Gospels.

Joint Letter from Archbishops of Canterbury and York

The Archbishops of York and Canterbury say ‘The Church has a vital role to play in offering hope and comfort to the nation as we face an expected second wave of the coronavirus’.

In a joint letter to the bishops of the Church of England, Archbishops Stephen Cottrell and Justin Welby set out a stark assessment of the challenges facing the country amid the pandemic including hunger, homelessness, mental health pressures and domestic violence.

Click on the PDF image above to open it in a new browser window or download it to your PC to read it.