Life isn’t always easy and sometimes we need help. St Cuthbert’s Ormesby and St Cuthbert’s Marton have joined together to offer an affordable counselling service. This means that therapy is not out of reach for people on low income. Fees are paid according to a person’s ability to do so within an agreed range. We aim to provide a welcoming and relaxed community service allowing therapy to be accessible and affordable to all.
Counselling can help with . .
depression, anger, loss, self-harm, bullying, relationships, bereavement, abuse, self-esteem, sexuality, anxiety, trauma, work related issues, personal development, emotional distress, suicidal feelings and much more.
Upon contacting us you will be offered an initial meeting with Debbie where you will share a little background information about yourself, discuss your needs, how much you can afford, and the issues that have arisen. If you and Debbie feel comfortable to continue then dates can be arranged to meet for your sessions of counselling. You will initially contract for 6 sessions however, we understand that not all problems can be ‘fixed’ in 6 sessions. It could take 6 sessions or many more, the therapy is open ended.
Debbie is a professionally trained counsellor. Her model is person centred with psychodynamic insights. She trained at Leeds Metropolitan University and United Churches Healing Ministry qualifying with an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Debbie is a registered member of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists.
For some years Debbie worked in primary schools as a Mentor making links between staff, families and children also between school and the wider community. This work brought about a variety of issues and her desire to create positive change led her to train in formal counselling.
For 10 years’ Debbie has enjoyed her role as a counsellor working with individuals and couples providing a safe and non-judgemental environment enabling people to explore in confidence the issues which are causing them distress.
The types of concerns Debbie works with are many including depression, anxiety, loss, family issues, abuse, issues around self-esteem; self-harming, PTSD, personal development, bereavement and self-defeating behaviours.
Debbie believes passionately, that being present in the moment is integral to her therapeutic approach. She has great admiration for the individuals, couples or families who make the decision to seek counselling. It takes great courage and Debbie feels it’s a great honour to be invited into the life of one who is hurting.
Contact details for
Cuthberts’ Counselling are:
Debbie: 07795683610
Email : purplechanticleer@hotmail.co.uk
Rev Andy Grant: