During lockdown 2 the Church of England is asking Christians to pray daily for a specific area of national concern. A bell will ring each evening at 6pm, join us in a collective moment of prayer.
Prayer for Week 4 (30 November to 06 December)
Loving God,
your Son Jesus Christ came that we might have life and have it abundantly;
pour out your blessing upon our nation;
where there is illness,
bring your healing touch;
where there is fear,
strengthen us with the knowledge of your presence;
where there is uncertainty,
build us up in faith;
where there is dishonesty,
lead us into truth;
where there is discord,
may we know the harmony of your love;
this we ask in Jesus’ name.
We know that we are in the faithful hands of the risen Christ who knows our weaknesses, tiredness and struggles and whose steadfast love endures forever.
Prayer resources, including the daily prayer, can be found here. There will be daily prayer videos on Thy Kingdom Come YouTube channel.