As we continue to celebrate Holy Communion on Sunday mornings at 10am we will be welcoming two guest celebrants during November.
On the 1st of November (All Saints), Bishop Paul Ferguson
There will also be a special service on 1st November at 3pm to mark The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day).
There is a book at the back of church where you may write names of people you wish to commemorate so their names can be read out during the service. If you know anyone who cannot attend church due to coronavirus restrictions who might like a name added to the list please contact Revd Janet Caldwell.
Remembrance Sunday, 8th November 2020.
In this very strange year, due to Covid-19 restrictions on numbers and social distancing in the church yard there will be no ceremony at the War Memorial this year. The Remembrance Service will take place in church with our normal Sunday congregation and invited guests only. We are very sorry that we cannot make it more widely open to the public this year. Hopefully next year we can have a more normal Remembrance Sunday.
On the 29th November (Advent Sunday), The Revd Dr Amanda Bloor, Archdeacon of Cleveland