Building the Church Building the Kingdom

To proclaim Christ in our worship and in our community and make disciples of all generations

Welcome to St Cuthberts Ormesby

Always know you will be very welcome and we hope that you find us open and friendly people who can provide you with relevance and meaning in your daily life. There has been a church here for over a 1000 years and we want St Cuthbert’s Church to be here for all future generations.

Parish Safeguarding Policy

Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends and St Cuthberts

We are a Dementia Friendly Church

St Cuthberts on Social Media

Contact Details

Life Events: Weddings, Funerals and Baptisms

Christening and Wedding booking Sessions are held between 11am and 12noon each Sunday morning.

No need to book, just come along.

If you cannot make one of these Christening and Wedding Booking Sessions, then please use the online enquiry forms found on the Life Events pages of the church website (Life Events) or contact us by email or phone 01642 050687 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday 10am to 5pm). Please note that we will still need to meet you in person at one of the Open Sessions.

For Funerals please contact Revd. Robert Opala by phone 01642 050687  (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday 10am to 5pm) or email him here.

For all other parish enquiries, please call one of the Church Wardens (see details under Contact menu) or email the church administration.

What’s On

Online offerings

We are all using contactless methods more often, it is easy to make an offering using the Give a Little link if you are unable to attend a service in church or make a donation to our JustGiving appeal and wish to support your local church.

Give A Little online offerings

The work of our church in the community, and its future, is reliant on people’s generosity, a generosity that is a hallmark of a lived-out faith and a testament to it. Now more than ever, please consider giving generously to support our mission and ministry.

  • Donate using your credit or debit card via the the Give a Little link below. If your donation is below £30 we can claim extra money under the Small Gifts Scheme. You can choose to receive a receipt by email.

Non-Gift Aided offerings - please note that only donations below £30 can be used to claim extra money from HMRC under the Small Gift Scheme (GASDS).

Click on the give a little button

Thank you for your support

Latest Posts

Services Holy Week and Easter 2022

Palm Sunday, 10th April
10am Palm Sunday Holy Communion Service

Maundy Thursday, 14th April
6pm Service and stripping of the altar (commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles)

Good Friday, 15th April

2pm An Hour at the Cross (a time of reflection, meditation and prayer)

Sunday 17th April, Easter Sunday
10:00am Easter Sunday – Holy Communion Service

Day of Prayer for Peace, 27 February 2022

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have asked that Sunday 27th February 2022 be a day of prayer for peace.

They have also asked that on Tuesday 1st of May 2022 at 6pm we all pray with the Diocese in Europe of the chaplaincy in Kyiv and the churches that serve Ukraine.

That we all participate with the wider church in Pope Francis’s call to make Ash Wednesday, 2nd March 2022, a day of prayer and fasting for peace.

ThThe letter from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the churches can be seen here (PDF).

Ormesby Library Xmas Tree

Xmas Tree made from knitted squares
Christmas Tree made up of knitted squares by the people of Ormesby and Nunthorpe

Our local Ormesby Ward councillors and the knitters of Ormesby and Nunthorpe have excelled at producing the ‘knitted Christmas Tree’; now displayed outside Ormesby Library. A big thank you to everyone, including Elizabeth, who contributed squares to the tree.

Join us this Christmas!

Along side our normal 10am Sunday Holy Communion Services we will be holding a number of Carol Services with local Schools plus a number of Christmas Services and events. The first of these with be on 28th November when we will have our annual Christingle Service as part our new monthly Family Service.

Please Note:

The St Cuthberts/National Trust Community Carol Concert on the 17th December 2021 at 6pm has unfortunately had to be Cancelled. Advent Christmas Tea with entertainment on the 10th December 2021 at 2pm has also been cancelled

28th November 2021 9amHoly Communion Service
28th November 2021 10amFamily Christingle Service
12th December 20212pmDementia Friendly Carol Service at Church of Ascention, Penrith Road, Berwick Hills, Middlesbrough TS3 7JR
24th December 20213pmCarols around the Crib and nativity (Family Carol Service)
24th December 202111:30pmMidnight Mass [This is a ticketed event, tickets from Church Wardens or between 11am and 12noon on Sundy morning]
25th December 202110amSaid Holy Communion Service for Christmas Day
26th December 202110amFeast of Saint Stephen: Family Service with Holy Communion after Family Service

For anyone not able to join us, the Church of England has a series of online services over the Advent and Christmas period. Details can be found here.