Macmillan Coffee Morning 2018

Friday 28th September 10am to 12noon

@ 34 Cleveland Close, Ormesby

Tickets, £5, from Janet or on arrival.

Raffle, tombola, cakes stall and bottle stall. With a chance to WIN one of Janet’s photo books of the local area, just buy a strip of raffle tickets for £1.

All are welcome!

Patronal Festival Weekend, 8th – 10th June 2018

St Cuthbert, Ormesby will be holding a Patronal Festival over the weekend of 8th to 10th June 2018. All are welcome, particularly Teddy Bears.

Unfortunately the Church Tower is unsuitable for mounting a bungee rope so we will have a zip wire Teddy Bear Death Slide instead.

St Cuthberts Ormesby PCC and congregation would like to thank the following in proving financial support for roof repairs and recovering the roof in Stainless Steel. It should keep us water tight for at least another generation.

Allchurches Trust Limited

Sir John Priestman Charity Trust

The Jack Brunton Charitable Trust

Diocese of York Parish Loan Scheme

We would also like to thank our architects Ferry and Mennim and the contractor, Historic Property Restorations Ltd for carrying out the work.

Gravetalk Events 2018

A series of GraveTalk events are planned between May and November 2018. The first will be held at

St Cuthbert’s Parish Church, Church Lane, Ormesby; Thursday, 3rd May 2018, 10:30am

GraveTalk is a café space to talk about death, dying and funerals. It is organised by the local church and can be held in a hall, a home or a real café. At each event a pack of GraveTalk questions are distributed – there are 52 specially written open questions which get people talking about death, dying, funerals and loss. There are no answers, just conversation. And it’s open to people of all faiths and doubts.’

Here for everyone, organising a funeral, going to a funeral, after a funeral, my funeral plans or anyone with questions about death, dying or funerals. Light refreshments will be served at this event.

All are welcome

Details for all GraveTalk events are available here (PDF)

Holy Week and Easter Services 2018

Services Holy Week and Easter

Saturday 24th March

12noon  Wedding

(Reminder: British Summer Time starts at 1am, Clocks go Forward 1hr!)

Palm Sunday, 25th March

9am Holy Communion (said)

10:30am Cafe Church with Palm Sunday parade

Monday 26th March

(am)  School Easter service

12-2:00pm Soup and sacred songs

Tickets £3.50 available from Janet Danks

Tuesday 27th March

2pm Friendship group

Wednesday 28th March

10am Holy Communion

10:45am Singing group

11:45am Ukulele group

Maundy Thursday, 29th March

1pm  Funeral of Kay Corrigan in church

6pm  Holy Communion and garden of repose

Good Friday, 30th March

10am Christian Walk of Witness from St Cuthbert’s Church

2pm   Hour by the Cross

Saturday 31st March, Easter Saturday

Easter flower arranging in church

Sunday 1st April, Easter Sunday

9am  The Easter Eucharist with Easter candle

10:30am Easter Family Service and Easter Egg Hunt

12:00noon Holy Baptism

12:30pm Holy Baptism


Creative Responses to Dementia – Wednesday 25th April 2018

A regional event for churches who want to become more Dementia Friendly. It will take place on Wednesday 25th April in The Trinity Centre, James Street, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough, TS3 6LD.

The event will last from 10am to 15:15pm. Please arrive at 9:30am for a prompt start at 10am.

Details available here (PDF)




Sunday Prayer Group

There is a new Sunday Prayer Group who meet at 11:30am on the 2nd Sunday of each month – in church.

There are six of us but we welcome new members. We pray for: the parish, our church, the sick, our schools, our dementia project, for care homes, families or anyone who asks for a prayer.

Email: Revd Jen or phone 01642 901482