Open Church this weekend

festival teesside prayer and worship logo

St Cuthberts Church is open this weekend, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June, between 11am and 3pm each day.

If you are on your way to Stewart Park for the Festival Teesside or passing by, come and look around this beautiful building. There has been a church on this site for over 1,000 years and we still worship here today.

Meet some of the people who help to run the church and find out about its history. Stay for some time of peaceful reflection or private prayer. We will provide a cup of tea or coffee while you are here.

Family Services April and May 2024

We will contunue to hold a Family Service at 10am on the last Sunday of the Month. It will be a Service of the Word with Hymns.

Services on Sunday the 28th April 2024

9am Holy Communion

10am Family Service – Service of the Word with Hymns

Services on Sunday 26th May 2024

9am Holy Communion

10am Family Service – Service of the Word with Hymns

All other Sunday services will be Holy Communion services at 10am

Festival Teesside

Festival Teesside is hosting an evening service at 7pm on the 27th April 2024 at the Globe Theatre Stockton. This will consist of worship, prayer, teaching and song.

Tickets, which are free, can be obtained at the following website.

direct link to this event below.

Big Church Cleanup

Can you can spare sometime on Saturday 23rd March 2024 to help us get the Church cleaned before our new Vicar, Revd Robert Opala, is installed. Everyone is welcome and all help for is most appreciated.

Lent and Easter Services

10th March 2024, 10am (1hr), Mothering Sunday Communion Service

24th March 2024, 10am (1hr), Palm Sunday Service of the Word

28th March 2024, 10am (1hr), Maunday Thursday Holy Communion

Celebrant – Revd. Bruce Harrison

29th March 2024, 2pm (1hr), Good Friday Hour by the Cross

31st March 2024, 10am (1hr), Easter Sunday Holy Communion

Celebrant – Archdeacon Amanda

Church Services during December 2023

Logo for 2023 Adve nt season,Follow the Star Join the Song. Find out more at

03rd December 10am : Advent Sunday Holy Communion.

10th December 10am: Parish Holy Communion.

No Service Wednesday 13th December.

17th December 10am: Parish Holy Communion.

No Service Wednesday 20th December.

24th December 10am: Said Holy Communion.

24th December 3pm: All Age Crib Service with carols.

24th December 11pm: Midnight Mass – Holy Communion with Carols.

25th December 10am: Said Holy Communion.

No Service Wednesday 28th December.

31st December 10am: Holy Communion with carols.

All Souls Service

This years service will take place at 3pm on Sunday 5th November 2023.

A service of remembrance for loved ones we no longer see whether that loss was recent or long ago. To support bereaved families whether they have had a Church of England led funeral or not.

All are welcome.

A Joint Statement on Violence in Israel and Gaza

From the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of Whitby, Selby and Hull;
Please circulate and publish this message widely within your church and the wider community.

16th October 2023

Dear Sisters and Brothers

A Joint Statement on Violence in Israel and Gaza

We watch with grief and horror as the violence in Israel and Gaza intensifies, following the dreadful terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas. We remember that all people are created in the image of God, and therefore deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, to live lives free of fear and violence.

As the archbishops said in their joint statement last week:

“We are grieved and deeply concerned at the violence in Israel and Gaza, and we unequivocally condemn the attacks by Hamas. We pray for those who are mourning, those who are injured, and all those fearing for their safety. We pray for restraint on all sides, and renewed efforts towards a just peace for all. The way forward must be for both sides to build confidence in a secure future through which Israel and its people can live in security within its internationally recognised borders, and Palestinians have their own state and live in their lands in security, and with peace and justice.”

We condemn the acts of violence, particularly those that are targeting innocent civilians – men, women and children who are killed and held hostage while simply trying to live. We ask that leaders seek a way forward that ends the vicious cycles of violence and finds a way to build peace among peoples and nations, in which everyone can flourish and prosper.

We pray that the peace of God will reign; that justice and mercy will bring an end to war and terror. We pray for the freedom of all peoples, that they may live in unity with their neighbours, that their humanity may be respected and that they may live without fear.

We pray too for an end to violence in this country, particularly for an end to antisemitic violence; our Jewish brothers and sisters deserve to live lives free from fear. No school should have to close because of security threats; places of worship should not need security guards to keep worshippers safe. We stand in solidarity with those in our communities who may not feel welcomed and respected. Prejudice has no place in our society, whether anti-Jewish or anti-Muslim, and the war between Hamas and Israel must not be used to demonise whole communities and destabilise the peace that we so value in our cities and towns.

Finally, we send this email today inviting the parishes of the Diocese of York to do all that they can at such short notice to support the call from Archbishop Hosam, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, that Tuesday, 17 October be a day of Fasting and Prayer for peace, reconciliation and an end to war. We encourage you and your worshipping community to join in as far as possible (you can read the letter in full here via the Anglican Communion News Service: Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem calls for global prayer following eruption of violence).

In the words of Archbishop Hosam, with people around the world, we pray:

O God of all justice and peace
we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma
of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land.
Be with those who need you in these days of suffering;
we pray for people of all faiths – Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace,
we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples.
Guide us into your kingdom
where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children
for, to all of us, you are our Heavenly Father.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

With every blessing –

+ Stephen, Archbishop of York
+ Paul, Bishop of Whitby
+ John, Bishop of Selby
+ Eleanor, Bishop of Hull

Diocese of York, Amy Johnson Way, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4XT
Switchboard: 01904 699500


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