Lent 2023

This Lent we are all invited to explore how we can live well with the mess of everyday life. A Lent journey of faith, failure and forgivness.

Dust and Glory encourages us to take a fresh look at the frustrations and failings that every day brings and, rather than pretending we can always avoid them, seek to learn from them and grow closer to God through them.

Archbishops of Canterbury and York

Start of Lent: Wednesday 22nd Februry 2023

10am Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes Service

Christmas Services 2022

You are very welcome to our Christmas services – bring your family and friends or come along on your own. Whether it will be your first time at church or you have been before, we look forward to welcoming you!

24th December – Christmas Eve

15:00pm Family Crib/Carol Service

23:30pm Midnight Mass

25th December – Christmas Day

10:00am Holy Communion Service for Christmas Day

New Years Day – 1st January 2023

10:00am Holy Communion Service

28th January – Candlemas/Christingle

9:00am Holy Communion

10:00am Family Service

Remembrance Service 2022

St Cuthbert’s Remembrance Service takes place at 10:00am on Sunday 13th November 2022.

The Remembrance Sunday Service is in two parts, a Holy Communion Service for Remembrance Day and then an Act of Remembrance at the War memorial in the Churchyard. We remember those residents of Ormesby Parish who gave their lives for us during two world wars and other more recent conflicts, we hold a two minute silence at 11am along with the rest of the Nation.

All Souls Service

This years service will take place at 3pm on Sunday 6th November 2022.

A service of remembrance for loved ones we no longer see whether that loss was recent or long ago. To support bereaved families whether they have had a Church of England led funeral or not.

All are welcome.

Remembering Her Majesty, The Queen

This photograph is made available by the PRESS ASSOCIATION / Danny Lawson.

We have an online book of condolences page available for those wishing to leave a message of condolence for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Book of Condolence.

The church will be open after services on Sunday and Wednesday this week for anyone wishing to spend time in prayer or contemplation or sign a book of condolence in church. We will be open for several hours after the morning service on Sunday 18th September as well.

Harvest Festival 2022

This year’s Harvest Festival will take place on Sunday the 25th of September 2022 at 10am. It is also our monthy Family Service so bring the children along.

We will also be a Harvest Supper, in Church, at 7pm on Monday 25th September 2022. Entertainment will be provided by Vintage Singer Yvonne. Tickets are £5 and are available from Janet Danks.

Harvest Festival donations will be donated to the DEC Pakistan Floods Appeal. ‘Floods have destroyed or badly damaged more than a million homes in Pakistan, sweeping away entire communities, livelihoods, crops, schools and roads. With a third of the country estimated to be under water – an area the size of the UK – people urgently need food, clean drinking water and shelter.’

The DEC’s 15 member charities are: Action Against Hunger, ActionAid UK, Age International, British Red Cross, CAFOD, CARE International UK, Christian Aid, Concern Worldwide UK, International Rescue Committee UK, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam GB, Plan International UK, Save the Children UK, Tearfund and World Vision UK.

If you are not able to come to the Harvest Festival Service but would like to support our Appeal on behalf of the DEC Pakistan Flood Appeal, then please click on the image below which will take you to our Give a Little appeal page. Thank you for any donation you can make.

Platinum Jubilee Events

Friday 3rd June 2022, 12 till 4pm, St Cuthberts, Ormesby

A Jubilee fete will be held in the church grounds on Friday 3rd June. It will include various stalls, tea and cake, including a cake stall and second-hand books. If you can help or want to run a stall, see Janet Danks.

We will have Jubilee themed flowers in the church that weekend.

Sunday 5th June 222, 2pm, Church of the Ascension, Berwick Hills

70 Years, Platinum Jubilee

Tuesday 7th June 2022 at 1:30pm, St Cuthberts, Ormesby

We will be showing a film of the Coronation of the Queen followed by afternoon tea and entertainment by Yvonne, a vintage singer. Tickets £5, available now from Janet Danks.

Services Holy Week and Easter 2022

Palm Sunday, 10th April
10am Palm Sunday Holy Communion Service

Maundy Thursday, 14th April
6pm Service and stripping of the altar (commemorates the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles)

Good Friday, 15th April

2pm An Hour at the Cross (a time of reflection, meditation and prayer)

Sunday 17th April, Easter Sunday
10:00am Easter Sunday – Holy Communion Service