A Prayer Chain & Prayer Cards
As a group we pray for the Glory of God, our church, the congregation and the land. We thank God for all the good things in our lives and ask Him to comfort the people we know who are anxious or fearful. To give healing, strength and endurance to the sick, as we are told in Luke11.9 Ask and it will be given you.
Praying as a group is powerful as told to us in Matthew 18 19&20 If two or three people come together in my name I am there with them. The prayer chain is a group of ladies from St Cuthbert’s praying for a need. It is always confidential and kept within the prayer group.
The prayer cards will be place in the pews. These are for anyone who needs prayers for anything that troubles them. The cards can be written anonymously if wished, or a name and contact details can be left. The church contact numbers are also on the card. The prayer group exists to pray for you. As a group we exist to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and the people of St. Cuthbert’s.
God Bless Sally & Elizabeth