Learn British Sign Language

Rev Jen Croft will be giving a free six-week Introductory course in Britich Sign Language at Ormesby Library, starting 25th June at 7:00pm. For adults, 16+ and over; limited places so please contact Ormesby Library librarians if you wish to attend.

See Poster.

A note of thanks!

We had a marvellous church social on Thursday 21st May at the Ormesby Institute & Club.  A huge thank you to Audrey Robson who organised it, and the evening treated us to music, singing, bingo, a raffle and delicious pie and peas!  It was great to share in friendship and fellowship with one another and we eagerly await our next church social event.  On another great note – we managed to raise £600+ for the church so we are very grateful to everyone who came and supported it, and then took part in the evening’s entertainment.  Thank you everyone! 🙂  Revd Jen

Thanks to Janet Danks for Photos from the Church Social.

Here’s Elvis the Donkey!

Gary the Camel’s Column

There’s such a growing gang of us now at St Cuthbert’s; because there is me, Elvis, Lizzie, Precious, Brother Thomas and Canon Henry Gordon Throckmorton, we’re quite a clan. That’s not forgetting Jim the rabbit, Digit the monkey and Spit the dog. You never know which one of us is going to turn up at the Family Service.

As you know, I’m a very famous camel; I am THE camel, because I helped to guide the wise men to the Bethlehem star. I told them not to interfere with my calculations or cramp my style with their pomposity! Spit!* They were cool. I liked the wise men. Us camels are very clever and can navigate the night sky. Spit*!

Elvis is a very famous donkey too. He is THE donkey, not just any old donkey… but THE donkey. He carried Mary when she was pregnant with baby Jesus, and then when Jesus was grown up, he carried Him into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. How cool is that?



I’m sure that you’ll join with me to say a very warm welcome to Elvis and the others in the clan. Spit!* 🙂

St Cuthbert’s camel tells us all!

Gary the Camel’s Column


I have to begin by saying that I’ve had a great month of April! Well….it has been a beautiful month and just right for us camels…nice and warm, bit of sand beneath the feet, people and other camels to spit* at. Just great 🙂

I’m an Arabian camel or dromedary, from the Greek word dromos, meaning “a runner” (Isaiah 60:6; Jeremiah 2:23), I have one hump, and I’m a native of Western Asia or Africa. I’m usually running from trouble these days though! Did you know that there are at least 13 references to camels in the Bible?

You can find out what I get up to on the St Cuthberts Facebook page. On the whole, I behave myself and don’t spit* too often!

I’d like to introduce another friend at St Cuthbert’s. His name is Elvis and he’s a donkey (really!) He tends to start singing Elvis songs when you least expect it though, and he loves munching carrots!