Trip to Kettlewell

Some photographs have been added to the Photo Gallery from a recent trip to Kettlewell to see the Scarecrow Trail.

Kettlewell trail 1

Kettlewell Trail 1

Click on the photo or the link above to see the rest. Scroll down the page to the gallery of images from the Trip.

A healing service, with the laying on of hands on Sunday 25th October at 10am

This will be a family Communion service, but it will also have ‘low-key’ healing ministry present.  The prayer ministers will voluntarily gently lay hands on heads, and a pre-prepared set prayer will be used, on anyone who would like to receive healing – whether in the body, mind or spirit.  We believe that when we call upon the name of Jesus, in the power of Holy Spirit, He hears our prayers and petitions.  Come and find the living Jesus Christ in the Holy Communion and through his healing presence.

All ages and all are welcome

Harvest Festival: Sunday 27th September at 10am

This years harvest charity is: Toilet twinning

This year, the Ministry Team have opted to support a new charity, which is just 5 years old. But it does enable our raised funds to build toilets or latrines for those in the developing countries. These are paramount to people living hygienic lives and with enough money we could either fund a block of toilets for a school, or a community/village toilet. The charity then send us a framed picture of our building, to be displayed in our church toilets! It’s innovative, it’s fun but more importantly, it adds health and basic hygiene to peoples’ lives – something that we all take for granted.

Please support our 2015 Harvest Charity!


A 24hour prayer vigil for the Christian communities in Iraq and Syria & prayers to stop ISIS
18th September 18:00hrs to 19th September 18:00hrs
All Saint’s Church Middlesbrough

Stop The Crisis logo

6pm Evening Prayer
7pm Opening Eucharist
10pm Rosary
11pm Night Prayer
11.30pm – 05.30am – Silent prayer with hourly devotions

6am Morning Prayer
8am Rosary
10am Low Mass
12 noon Mid-day prayer
3pm Divine Mercy
4.15pm Stations of the Cross

Ordinands at Teesport

The Ordinands from Cranmer Hall, Revd Dominic Black and tutor Revd Jennifer Croft spent a day at Teesport visiting the Chaplaincy work of the Mission to Seafarers.  We enjoyed a trip on the Harbour Master’s boat through the port (which is much bigger than you anticipate).




Cranmer Hall Ordinands in the Parish

From the 7th June, for two weeks, we are hosting ten Ordinands (trainee Vicars!) from Cranmer Hall, Durham. They are on placements at Easter Side, Eston & Normanby, Linthorpe, North Ormesby and South Bank. It has been a delight to have these talented people working amongst our parishes in Middlesbrough.

Pie and pea supper for the Ordinands

Pie and pea supper for the Ordinands

On Friday evening, we hosted a Communion Service, celebrated by the Bishop of Whitby; followed by a barbeque.

Ordinands with Rt Revd Paul Ferguson, Bishop of Whitby (4th from left) and Mrs Black (4th from right) outside Ormesby Hall

Ordinands with Rt Revd Paul Ferguson, Bishop of Whitby (4th from left) and Mrs Heather Black (4th from right) outside Ormesby Hall

BBQ @ Vicarage, Ormesby

Revd Jennifer Croft with Rt Revd Paul Ferguson, Bishop of Whitby (centre) and Revd Dominic Black, Rural Dean (right)

New Initiatives for St Cuthbert’s

A Prayer Chain & Prayer Cards

As a group we pray for the Glory of God, our church, the congregation and the land. We thank God for all the good things in our lives and ask Him to comfort the people we know who are anxious or fearful. To give healing, strength and endurance to the sick, as we are told in Luke11.9 Ask and it will be given you.

Praying as a group is powerful as told to us in Matthew 18 19&20 If two or three people come together in my name I am there with them. The prayer chain is a group of ladies from St Cuthbert’s praying for a need. It is always confidential and kept within the prayer group.

The prayer cards will be place in the pews. These are for anyone who needs prayers for anything that troubles them. The cards can be written anonymously if wished, or a name and contact details can be left. The church contact numbers are also on the card. The prayer group exists to pray for you. As a group we exist to serve our Lord Jesus Christ and the people of St. Cuthbert’s.

God Bless Sally & Elizabeth