Commemorative Bench decicated to CSM Stan Hollis VC

The bench which bears the name of Stan Hollis, the Company Sergeant Major who was the only man to win a Victoria Cross on D Day, June 6, 1944, is sited close to the War Memorial in the Church Yard.

Company Sergeant Major Stan Hollis VC

Company Sergeant Major Stan Hollis VC, image courtesy of The Green Howards Museum Trust

Revd Jen Croft blessed the bench as part of a moving ceremony on 30th June 2016, attended by Stanley’s son Brian Hollis and his grandaughter Mandy Hart, who read Hollis’s citation. Mr Martin Eggermont of the Friends of the Green Howards gave a speech on Hollis and Josie Ramsome spoke about the background to having a local memorial and it being placed here at St Cuthberts Parish Church.

In attendence were many involved in raising the funds for the bench, Josie Ramsome, local residents, Ormesby Ward Councillors Glyn and Irene Nightingale,  Carole Morgan and Community Development Officer – Ormesby and Normanby Wards, Roy Morris who MC’d the event. Among the many there were The Mayor and Mayoress, Councillor Barry Hunt and Mrs Olwyn Peters.

Some photograhs of the event can be seen here:  The Northern Echo ; Gazette

Café Church – Sunday 19th June, 10:30am

Please note that on Sunday, 19th June 2016, at 10:30am, we will have our first Café Church. Please join us for great quality refreshments, fellowship and faith. All ages are welcome.

We will be joined by the St Cuthberts Singers.

There will be a short, said Holy Communion Service at 6:00pm

Sunday 29th May, Family Communion Service, 10am

Note that on Sunday 29th May there is only one Service at 10:00 am. This is a Community Service of Praise which includes Holy Communion.

We will use real bread for the Service, so that the children will be able to fully parcipitate in the breaking of bread.

Christian Aid Week

A big thanks to our church warden, Janet, for hosting a Coffee Morning that raised over £210. Thanks to all who supported it and ate the delicious cakes!, and to all who donated through the Christian Aid envelope scheme.

Easter Sunday Service, 10am (BST)

This year there will be one Easter Sunday Service, a Parish Eucharist at 10am.

Come along, all ages are welcome, including children and babies.


Image courtesy of

As this is the Easter Sunday Service there will be an Easter Egg Hunt after the Service.


Don’t forget that the clocks go forward overnight, its the start of British Summer Time.


Lets hope we have a good Summer, but until then, come and spend Easter with us.

Services during Holy Week and Easter 2016

Image courtesy of Seacoast Church

Image courtesy of Seacoast Church

Monday, 21st March 2016

6:00pm Stations of the Cross

Wednesday, 23rd March 2016

10:00am Holy Communion
6:00pm Passover at the Ormesby Methodist Church,
Corner of Pritchett Road and High Street, Ormesby.
Limited numbers so Please sign the list to join!

Thursday, 24th March 2016

11:00am Holy Communion and blessing of oils at York Minster
7:30pm Maundy Thursday Holy Communion & ‘The Watch’

Friday, 25th March 2016

2:00pm Hour by the Cross

Saturday, 26th March 2016

7:00pm Easter Vigil with baptisms and confirmations
by the Bishop of Whitby at Holy Trinity, North Ormesby

Easter Sunday, 27th March 2016

10:00am Easter Family Holy Communion Service
with an Easter Egg hunt for the children after the Service.