Remembrance Sunday, 13th November 2016

There are two Services on Remembrance Sunday

9:30am Remembrance Day Eucharist Service

The Service includes the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial, with the laying of Wreaths.


5:00pm Fall of Poppies Service


Stimulating Giving

•Helping to achieve sustainable finances in your Church•

This is a training event focused on developing good practice around the theme of giving and stewardship. One of the three goals we are considering in the Diocese of York is “Sustainable Finances”. No doubt each Church would like to achieve this goal.

At this event we will hear from clergy in the Diocese whose Churches have held successful giving initiatives in the last 18 months. They will speak about their hopes and fears as they set about this and how a positive outcome was achieved.

Led by…..

Terry Joyce
Archdeaconry Training Advisor

David Butterfield
Archdeacon for Generous Giving and Stewardship

Monday 6th March 2017; 10am-1pm (followed by lunch)
Stockton on the Forest Village Hall, near York, YO32 9UR
Tuesday 7th March 2017; 10am-1pm (followed by lunch)
All Saints Community Centre, South Cave, HU15 2EU
Thursday 9th March 2017; 10am-1pm (followed by lunch)
St Cuthbert’s Church Hall, Marton, Middlesbrough TS7 8JU
To book contact Cathy Lane on 01904 699504

The event will be publicised more fully later in the autumn with an upgraded flier

Café Church – Sunday 30th October 2016, 10:30am

Please note that on Sunday, 30th October 2016, at 10:30am, we will holding our next Café Church. Please join us for great quality refreshments, fellowship and faith. Americano, Latte, Cappuccino, Tea or soft drinks, we have it all. All ages are welcome.

cafe church 1

There will be a short, said Holy Communion Service at 6:00pm

Singing for the Brain ® coming to Acklam November 2016

singing-for-the-brain-logoSinging for the Brain ® is a stimulating group activity for people living with dementia and their carers, which can help general well-being and confidence. You’ll meet others with similar experiences in a relaxed setting, and can join in a variety of  songs, as much or as little as you like.

Come along and give it a try!

When: Every fortnight on a Tuesday, 2.00pm—3.30pm
Where: St Mary’s Church Hall, Green Lane, Acklam, TS5 7RX
Next dates:
1st November, 15th November, 29th November
13th December

For more information (poster) on Singing for the Brain ® please contact: Audrey Till on 01642 442030 or Maddy Fisher:

Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study Group

A Bible study group will meet, at the Vicarage, on Tuesday afternoons. Starting 27th September 2016, at 2:00pm, about 90 minutes duration.

The Bible study group will meet each week at 2:00pm and the group will take turns in hosting it.

Please ask Carol or Jen for the address if you wish to attend.

Harvest Festival – 10:30am, 25th September 2016

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This year’s Harvest Festival will be a Café Church followed by Brunch, tickets for Brunch are £5, available from Janet Danks.

Please bring any fresh harvest produce to be auctioned after the Service.

All other appropriate food items will be donated to Middlesbrough Food Bank. If you wish to bring chocolate, it will go to Mission for Seafarers because they love it!

Please join us for great quality refreshments, fellowship and faith.
All Ages Welcome

harvest 2

There will be a 6:00pm
Holy Communion Service
This will be a short said Service


Macmillan Coffee Morning – 30 September 2016

St Cuthbert’s is holding a Macmillian Coffee Morning on Friday 30th September, from 10am to 12pm at 34 Cleveland Close, Ormesby, Middlesbrough.


A Book of Janet Danks Photo’s is also being raffled for this event. Please see Janet for raffle tickets.

4th Cleveland Matters Address – 7pm, Wednesday, 12 October 2016

The Rt Rev James Jones, formerly the Bishop of Liverpool and Hull, and is now an Assistant Bishop in this Diocese will give the 4th Cleveland Matters Address, titled ‘Faith and the Future of the Earth‘ on Wednesday 12 October 2016, at 7pm in St Peter and St Paul Church, Pickering (Refreshments at 7:00pm, address starts 7:30pm).

Bishop James is currently Adviser to the Home Secretary on Hillsborough, and is a regular contributor to Radio 4’s ‘Thought for the Day‘.

We are promised a stimulating and informative evening.

A poster is displayed on the Church Notice Board and can also be viewed here.

Transforming Our Diocese – Roadshows

The Diocese is holding a consultation (PDF document) about how to address our mission opportunities for the future, as well as some of our present challenges.

There are Roadshows around the Diocese to help people understand the issues, and to glean experience and ideas. The Archbishop, bishops and archdeacons very much hope that all parishes will be represented at the Roadshows — everybody’s insights are important, and the things we are discussing will affect every church, large and small. Our shared thinking and decisions now will have a big effect on the life of the Diocese for a long time to come.

Roadshows near us:
Friday 16 September at 7.30pm: Northallerton Methodist Church (opposite All Saints’ Church)
Thursday 29 September at 7.30pm: Trinity Centre, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough

There is a booking form on the diocesan website where you can select a venue and book a place. The Roadshows are open to everyone.

Ormesby Library’s 50th Anniversary

The Library and Parish Church are important, trusted civic institutions at the heart of the community. Places of safety, comfort and hope.

On the 11th July 2016, the Friends of Ormesby Library and Staff held two commemorative events to celebrate the Library’s 50 years serving the local community. Over that time the Library has changed significantly. It still provides books, but now provides Information on Council Services, Internet access to jobseekers and for those wanting to research their Family History. It’s a meeting place for various groups and assists local Schools. You can even drop in for a coffee or hot chocolate drink.

On the morning of the 11th, current and previous staff and long-time users of the Library got together with the Friends Group to celebrate and reminisce about the 50 years the Library has been here. The Mayor and Mayoress of Redcar and Cleveland, Councillor Barry Hunt and Mrs Olwyn Peters, and local Ward Councillor Irene Nightingale attended. Three classes from Overfields Primary School told the Mayor and Mayoress how they envisioned the Library will change over the next 50 years, including massage chairs and holographic authors reading you their latest book. Afterwards the Mayor and Mayoress cut the Anniversary Cake and then joined everyone for tea, coffee and food provided by the Friends Group.

In the afternoon Tom Rolfe entertained children and their parents with a magic show featuring balloon modelling and circus skills. This event had its own celebration cake.

The Friends Group thank the Local Ward Councillors for their continuing support and financial contributions to holding this and other events for school children in the school holidays.