Revd Carol Sunley, Associate Minister

We welcome back Revd Carol Sunley as Associate Minister here at St Cuthberts Church, Ormesby. There will be a Licensing Service for Revd Sunley at 6:00pm on Wednesday 16th December 2015. We hope that you will join us to celebrate her new role in our Community.

Beating the Parish Bounds


Jen, Lesley, Martin, Kay (and Millie), Trish, and Anne would like to thank you all for helping us to raise a grand total of £330.00 for the roof and restoration fund. Its never too late to donate!!!!

Thank you

Jen, Lesley, Kay, Martin, Trish, Anne and not forgetting Millie the dog, all set off at 09:00hrs for our rogation walk and arrived home tired but happy 4 hrs and a minute later having covered about 12 miles.

We negotiated, mud, leaves, traffic a few Santa clauses on motorbikes, a giant 6 foot Disney mouse (Don’t ask?) another ‘Jen’s Joke’ for a Sunday in the future thanks to a parishioner in Netherfield’s.

We laughed, joked, chatted, prayed, especially to St Anthony to find Jen’s lost legs?

We enjoyed some lovely views, spoke to some lovely people and managed to raise some money for a little effort.

We will collate the total for next week, but to press the amount is £200.00 with more pledges to gather in.

There will be a box at the back of the church on Sunday if you still wish to donate

Advent Carol Service

Sunday 29th November 2015, 4:00pm

Advent cr

Bishop of Whitby (Right Reverend Paul Ferguson) will officiate at the service and we have the debut of the new singing group.

You are welcome to stay for refreshments after the Service.

Beating the Parish Bounds – Walk

On Saturday 28th November 2015 a 12 mile walk around the parish boundary to raise money for the roof and restoration fund.

Start 9am at St Cuthberts Parish Church, Church Lane, Ormesby. Approximately 4 hours.

If you want to join in the walk at any time, give Lesley Tart your contact number and she will contact you as to where she is on the route.

St Cuthberts via Church Lane to Rothsay Grove, Gypsy Lane, Guisborough Road, Flatts Lane. Take the bridle path (upper) along the track to the lower bridle path, along the path to underpass on the Parkway. Via track to Spencerbeck and through the estate to Ormesby Road, along Cargo Fleet Lane. Turn into Netherfields estate to the rear of the School, round the edge of the estate back onto Cargo Fleet Lane. Cross the Lane and cut through to Southlands Centre and follow the main road to Ormesby Hall. Circuit the right of the estate, past the farm and back along the track to enter the Church from the upper portion.

Mission to Seafarer’s Christmas Boxes

Hilary Morrison is coordinating our effots to make these Christmas Boxes. She has a ‘here’s one we made earlier’ which is available to see. There is also a list of suggestions for items for the boxes. Any knitted hats for men would be gratefully received.
6th December please!

Remembrance Sunday Services, 8th November 2015

There are two servcices on Remembrance Sunday. The first is the Holy Communion Service, at 9:30am, and includes the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial in the Church Yard at 11:00am.

falling poppies

There is also a service, at 5:00pm, which includes a Fall of Poppies.

Family Communion Service

Our next 10am service is Sunday 25th October. This 10am service will continue to be on the last Sunday each calendar month.

Children are particularly welcome to receive the bread at the time of Communion. This month our service will be:

Holy Communion with Healing Ministry.

healing ministry

The Vicar, the Revd Jennifer Croft has taught the healing ministry to a number of churches and has been involved in this ministry for many years. Here at St Cuthberts we pray for the healing and wholeness of all people. This means that we believe that God can heal us physically, emotionally or spiritually – so that we strive for wholeness and wellbeing. In this service, upon returning to our seats after receiving communion, there is the option of receiving healing ministry through the gentle laying of the hands upon the head. We use a set prayer, so that everyone receives the same prayer. As a result, you may feel better physically, you might feel a sense of peace, joy or warmth.

Sometimes, we have a negative image or a fear of healing services because we expect something dramatic to happen(!) However, here at St Cuthberts we believe that the Holy Spirit, who heals us, works in a very gentle way and can heal the body, mind or soul. Only God knows where we need the healing the most, and through His ministers, He sends down His Holy Spirit to give us healing. For example, we might feel burdened by something, but through these prayers, it may lift and we can feel better immediately.

**Healing Ministry is complimentery and should not be used as an alternative to, or in opposition to, any ongoing medical treatments.

Beetle Drive

St Gabriels Church Hall
Tuesday 27th October at 7pm
£5 ticket includes pie and peas.
Tickets can be bought at either the 9am or 10:30am Sunday services.

Proceeds go to the Church roof & restoration fund

Harvest Festival

harvest 1

Harvest Festival

Please note in your diary, this years Harvest Festival will take place at 10am on Sunday 27th September followed by a harvest lunch at 11.45am.

“Please bring harvest produce which will be auctioned after lunch, with non-perishables going to the foodbank. The lunch is in aid of the church roof restoration fund and the auction and collection is in aid of ‘Toilet Twinning‘.”

harvest 2